MAN TG-S 26.360 6x2-2 BL Pritsche Heckkran Palfinger

The current price is 49900 Euro.

The detailed specification of MAN TGS Dropside/ Flatbed truck is provided below.

Look at the technical data of the unit.

The production year is 2014.

Gross weight: 26000 kg.

Engine/driveline: Euro 5, diesel, displacement: 10518 cc, 360 hp, gearbox: automatic.

Chassis configuration: 6x2, 3-axle, ABS.

Cab design: cab type: day cab, air conditioner, parking heater, cruise control.

Body: loading length: 6500 mm, loading width: 2540 mm, loading height: 950 mm, loading volume: 15 m³, number of pallets: 16.

Mileage: 422073 km.

The parking site is in Germany.

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Henze Truck GmbH